5 Steps To Convert A Lead Into A Student
Jan 09, 2023Hi dance studio owners!
Today, I'm going to talk to you about the five steps to convert a lead into a student
I think sometimes we put so much money into marketing and time and effort into marketing and then we don't think about the process to get that lead in.
And often we don't think about what our staff need to do to get that lead through the doors.
So, then you're just burning money.
I want to talk to you about some things today.
The first thing is, do you have great systems in place so that once that lead comes in, we know where they're at in the customer journey.
And that could be something as simple as a spreadsheet that just has lead has been contacted, lead booked in for trial, and lead didn't turn up to a trial. Something as simple as that.
Or you could do a pipe drive or there's lots of companies that actually help you with that thing.
So, I think having that whole system in place is absolute key to making sure that that lead does what they need to do before they even get into your studio.
The next thing I want to talk to you about is understanding that parents are busy and let me tell you, I am the first parent who doesn't turn up to something.
I always book my kids into things and I have five kids.
So that's a lot of moving parts right.
And I book them into things and then I don't turn up and then I feel embarrassed that I didn't turn up, so I won't turn up again, but having an understanding of that and saying, hey, we get that you're busy.
Why don't you just come back this time and you know, we can create another trial for you or whatever it might be, but not getting cranky at them for not doing that because life is crazy, especially in today's day and age.
My third thing is to train your staff.
I am so passionate about this.
I actually train staff everywhere that I go, I train staff online and I don't mean train staff just in dance or in how to teach dance necessarily. But I think just knowing systems like what to do when a new trial comes in, how to treat that parent, what to do with the trial at the end of the class says I didn't like the class and how to then get them into other classes in your school.
What do they do at the end?
Do they walk the student out that stuff?
We just forget to teach our staff.
And then if that staff member doesn't walk out with them and do my fourth thing, which is closing the sale, then you've lost that student completely.
They might walk out and go, oh, let's try the dance school down the road as well.
And that dance school does close the sale.
So my number four tip is closing the sale and I know a studio and as we don't like to think of it as a sale because we're so passionate about what we do.
You know, we just want to change kids lives and we don't want to think about the money side of things and I totally get that.
But it is a sale.
And the way that I'd say it to my staff and the way that I say it in staff training is this think of every little person that comes into the studio as if it was you.
And if you had a bad experience the very first day that you came into the studio and your mom said, no way, this is terrible.
Let's try netball instead.
You wouldn't have had that amazing journey through dance that you've had now and you have to give every single little person that comes in the same opportunity to have that amazing journey through dance now.
Do you want to close the sale?
So make sure your staff know how to do that.
And that's as simple as hey, she did really well.
Let's fill out the enrolment form or let's get her signed up or whatever.
It might be just making sure that your staff actually know that process.
And then at the end of it, just having a great follow up process.
It means everything to that parent.
If you pick up the phone or your staff pick up the phone the next day and say, hey, how did sally go or after a week?
Hey how's sally going in class?
You know, just making sure that you're staying in touch with them?
That might be a sequence of emails, It might be a couple of phone calls, whatever it is, just making sure you're consistent with that and making sure that every student has that follow up.
So that's my top five tips guys.
I hope you enjoyed it.